Cramping can be extremely painful and a big nuisance to daily functioning.
It is important to evaluate your hydration and electrolyte status (especially potassium and magnesium), as these are factors that can cause cramping if inadequate or imbalanced.
If someone shifts from eating a higher carbohydrate diet to eating a lower carbohydrate diet, such as MetaLife, the body releases excess fluid it was holding on to. Electrolytes, including potassium and magnesium, are in this fluid and are also lost. If adequate fluid along with electrolytes are not consumed when this occurs, dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalances can occur.
Generally, fluid and electrolyte needs increase on a lower carbohydrate diet if a high carbohydrate diet was consumed previously. Please make sure you are consuming adequate fluids and replenishing lost electrolytes, especially potassium and magnesium. In addition, make sure you are eating plenty of the non-starchy vegetables that are allowed on the program, as a majority of them are rich sources of potassium and magnesium. When consuming additional fluids, it may be wise to consume them in between your meals instead of at meals in order to help avoid diluting your stomach acid and hindering digestion. Some research as suggested that well over 50% of the US population does not meet the US RDA for dietary intake of magnesium. Eating the nutrient dense food on the MetaLife Program should help supply some magnesium but the food may not be enough. Aceva's Triple Mag can also be taken during the program to help supply additional magnesium.
Keep in mind this free educational portal is not to be interpreted as medical or healthcare advice. This portal is designed to be an educational platform to help individuals better understand how to use diet and nutrition to enhance their overall health. Without a full clinical picture we are unable to ascertain the best actions for any individual. Consult your doctor before implementing or changing current treatment plans. If you are a doctor, use the general guidelines provided in this portal to add to your clinical picture and enable you to make the best decision for your patient.